Case Study 3 - Sector Data Standards

Sector: Search and Rescue

Client Type: Government Agency


The client had inadequate or unreliable data across one key element of its sector-wide data collection. There were data gaps and inconsistencies, and effort was being expended to collect some data that was of low value. The client sought advice on the best approach to resolve these issues over the long term and provide the basis for accurate, efficient, and impactful data collection over the long term.

Value Delivered

We listened to the client and proffered advice based on our deep knowledge of their data sets and our experience in solving similar issues in another sector. Our value added included:

  • Proposing a comprehensive review of all data collected and its collection method
  • Proposing the development of a national data standard to secure agreement and provide a firm basis for future data collection and usage, and future systems development
  • Proposing a new national shared data collection system based on the new data standard

Hague’s Approach

Following discovery interviews and analysis, we prepared a paper for the client on a proposed approach to creating a data standard and a process for creating a broad consensus of the benefits and form of that standard. We drafted the first version of the standard. The client took that through several rounds of consultation. We then collated the feedback and produced a validated data standard which was subsequently used to develop a national database.


It was a long and complex process with extensive consultation and technical challenges but ultimately very satisfying for all. This work ultimately created the first national data standard for Search and Rescue Operations in the world. This is a significant achievement because Search and Rescue Operations typically involve a very large number of agencies and partners.

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