Our peopleHague Consulting Limited's Directors, employees and Associates provide strategy execution and strategic review expertise for government, not-for-profit and private sector clients. We can review operations, systems and processes, engage in the early planning stages of strategic investments, provide a rapid response, help with implementation or rescue projects in trouble. Our preference is to be involved early as that offers the best opportunity to help raise your capability. Together we offer some of the best value consulting advice in Wellington and New Zealand. Chat to us today. We will listen to you, help define your problem or opportunity clearly and respond quickly.
Projects Phil has undertaken for Hague include: systems design and implementation, capability development, IT infrastructure replacement, process redesign. Consulting assignments include options analysis, feasibility studies, business cases, turnaround management, strategic review, strategy development, effectiveness and efficiency reviews, reviews of information systems, property management, quality auditing, operating model design. Phil has managed ERP implementations including Oracle, TechnologyOne and Yardi Voyager. Phil holds a Master of Management from Massey University, a Bachelor of Arts (Economic History) from Victoria University and a Certificate in Statistics from Wellington Polytechnic. Phil is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a Strategy Implementation Professional (SIP). He is also a Project Management Professional (PMP), a PRINCE2 practitioner and a trained Gateway reviewer. Phil is a Fellow of IMC (Institute of Management Consultants) New Zealand. He is experienced in operational excellence, value stream mapping and Lean Six Sigma and is a member of the Business Excellence Institute (BEX). www.linkedin.com/in/philguerinnz
Jacquie Hamer M.Mgmt (Hons) CMC FIMCNZ
Before she established Hague in March 1998, Jacquie was a director of NovaTech (NZ) Ltd - a highly successful consultancy business specialising in feasibility studies, business planning and market research. Jacquie also worked for several years for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) in the areas of international science and technology transfer. Jacquie has a Sociology Degree from Victoria University and a Masters in Management with First Class Honours from Massey University. Jacquie is a former President and a Fellow of IMC New Zealand, the Institute of Management Consultants. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquiehamer/
Bob McNeill Ph.D CMC
After a science PhD in Glasgow, Bob moved to the Open University's Centre for Educational Software as a software designer. He was then recruited as a senior designer to the BBC's renowned Interactive Media Unit in the late 1990's, working on multimedia, Internet and early concepts for digital tv. A Visiting Fellowship at the University of Otago School of Business brought him to New Zealand in 1998. He spent the next three years running the web team at e-Media (an Internet start-up) in Dunedin, before moving to a senior business IT role at New Zealand Trade & Enterprise in Wellington (the NZ Government's Economic Development and Trade body). Bob now consults mainly on strategy and business intelligence, seeing the two as different sides of the same coin. He has led and co-led many engagements across several sectors, focusing on strategy development and execution. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-mcneill-2761053b/
Salman Motara B.CIS, GradDipBusiness
Atif Baig Ph.DAtif is an Associate with over 20 years of experience at leading financial institutions across Asia and Africa. Throughout his career, he has participated in large-scale, multi-cultural, and multi-functional transformations, consistently delivering results aligned with strategic goals. His expertise encompasses sales, product and channel management, as well as leveraging technology to enhance customer experience and drive financial performance. Atif earned a PhD in Business Excellence from Massey University, New Zealand, where his doctoral research examined business improvement approaches in 50 organisations across 17 countries. This research led to the development of organisational excellence architecture (OEA) model to implement and accelerate organisational-wide improvement. He also holds an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK. Atif is an active member of the global business excellence community, regularly participating in international quality awards and competitions. He serves as a jury member for the International Best Practice Competition (IBPC) and is a certified assessor for the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model. Hayden Schaw MCom (Hons)
George Cole B.C.A
Dr Iain Matheson Ed.D CMC
Before becoming a management consultant in 2004, Iain held a high profile senior management position with Child, Youth and Family Services and prior to that a range of Government managerial roles in the areas of policy, strategic planning, regulation and operations. Iain is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and still maintains his Scottish registration as a social worker. He has postgraduate qualifications in social sector evaluation research from Massey University, social services management from the University of Edinburgh and social work from what is now the University of the West of Scotland; he is also currently undertaking a part-time doctorate at the University of Otago. His professional affiliations include the American Evaluation Association, Australasian Evaluation Society, Aotearoa/New Zealand Evaluation Association and the Institute of Management Consultants New Zealand.
Debbie has Practitioner certifications, experience, and delivers training in a wide range of well-recognised project, programme and portfolio management qualifications. She is an APMG International Better Business Cases Practitioner and a Strategy Implementation Professional (SIP). In 2021, she became one of the first people in the world to achieve all three of the new ProPath Certifications from Axelos: Project Expert; Agile Project Expert; and Programme Leader. She also recently completed a Master of Business Administration from Victoria University of Wellington. She is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors, an APMG International Stakeholder Engagement Practitioner, an AXELOS Management of Risk Practitioner and certified trainer, and an APMG International Facilitation Practitioner. Debbie is of Ngāi Tahu/Ngāti Mamoe descent and has a strong understanding of and commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. Outside of her work, she is on the board of several organisations in the community sector, including (and former Member with Delegated Authority) Transparency International New Zealand where her focus lies in the Pacific (having worked for TINZ/MFAT on a project in Fiji), Treaty of Waitangi and is a member of its Māori Caucus.
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